We’ve made recruitment for VET & ELICOS far cheaper and easier than Seek.com.

ReadyTeacher’s business model is modern and like no other recruitment model out there. We actively encourage our teachers to join our member organisations as their employees through our Employee Trial Period.

Through our Employee Trial Period, we are committed to reducing casualisation in the industry by promoting direct employment with our member colleges. By functioning as a recruitment funnel and instant shortlist with interview scheduling, we give away our teachers to our member colleges for the price of one Seek.com ad.

Set-and-forget Recruitment Funnel

Simply publish your go-to job vacancy on ReadyTeacher and receive a notification each time a new teacher applies. It’s like a digital version of a teacher dropping their CV across your desk, except that CV has been screened and matched to tick all the boxes.

ReadyTeacher’s platform is faster and cheaper

An alternative to Seek.com advertising, where education managers throw the net out wide in the hope of catching the right teachers, ReadyTeacher alerts specialist teachers to new role opportunities and invites them to apply with one button click. No more sorting through CVs to shortlist candidates - the matching is already done by ReadyTeacher’s custom algorithms.

Optimised new employee hiring flow

Managing candidates is simple via ReadyTeacher, and you can even direct any interested teachers to apply to your vacancy through the ReadyTeacher platform, where all candidates’ resumes are standardised and our matching algorithms do the time-consuming work of candidate screening, giving you back the time you need for other important day-to-day business.